Technical Electro-Mechanical

Closing the Performance Gap

In the area of facility management, certain assets are critical to maintenance and operations. These are auditable processes and necessary equipment such as water pumps, walkie-talkies, etc. which mitigate the delay in productivity.

Apart from the application of efficient technical electro-mechanical services, we also provide special attention towards the maintenance of equipment to prevent sudden breakdowns. Regular checks of equipment are carried out keeping in mind the economic and energy-efficient factors. We also keep a precautionary eye on repairs and replacements in plumbing. Areas with multiple pipelines and water distribution units are taken extra care of to facilitate the smooth functioning.

Our Technical & Electro-Mechanical services primarily provide:

  • Speed & accuracy
  • Fewer interruptions
  • Less absence from work
  • An inventory of spare parts

At APMS, we hire trained men from the merchant navy to ensure smooth functioning of day-to-day operations. We make sure that the effort, which goes behind a successful facility management, remains practically invisible to people.  But, it’s needless to mention that it’s always easier said than done.

So, we start with a basic inference point of restricting the mean time to repair duration at a minimum. Our range of technical and electro-mechanical services comes in handy while generating information about turnarounds and emerging issues.


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